Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

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*Edited to add* My drawing will be on Monday - my husband and I are getting away for a much needed weekend away!

Welcome to Robinznest! I hope you have time to come in and browse and spend some time.

I love free stuff! And Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer is hosting a free stuff giveaway bigger than you can imagine. You should go check it out! And I figured if I plan to enter my name for every single give-away offer in this carnival the very least I could do would be to give away something too. So, I am having TWO giveaways! Here is the first:

I had a pattern and fabric for these "stack and whack" placemats for quite a while and I was excited to make them. I was really pleased with how they turned out. This is a set of four rectangle placemats. They are tan, brick red, and green. I will draw a random name on Monday to see who gets these.

Then, when I was sitting in a hospital waiting room last week, I browsed through a current issue of Martha Stewart's Living magazine and found this idea:

It's a really nifty way to use a pillowcase to make a fun bag. This bag can be used for books, crafts, overnite stuff, beach stuff, or as a grocery bag. It is washable and very sturdy. I grabbed a pillowcase and stiched several of them in no time. The one I am giving away is right here:

If you look very carefully, you will see an added decor that will be fun for all those who love blogging - can you see it?

So, if you are interested in winning either of these just leave your name and you MUST leave me an email address. Also indicate which prize you would prefer or mark both if you would like either one. Isn't this fun?


Mrs. Sprinkles said...

I really like the placemats--enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into your drawing. Thank you!

Melissa said...

They are both really cute ideas. Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win either item - thanks so much!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Great drawing! Please count me in~Thanks, Amy

Anonymous said...

Howdy! Please put my name in for both!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness that bag is the cutest thing...of course add me in for both of them though...thanks!

My Trendy Tykes said...

I would love to enter!


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up! I like the place mats! tawnya_nicholas@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

i like those placemats! thanks for signing me up!

Amico Dio said...

Very crafty! I like! Please count me in!

Jenn in Holland said...

Is it okay to want it all? Very adorable bag. I especially love the applique.

madamspud169 said...

I love the placemats & the tote bag would be really useful so please enter me in the draw

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh! I want both too! :o)


Justice Fergie said...

what great prizes! enter me please!

Sharon Brumfield said...

I wish I was in town I would have participated in this too.
But, I can leave a comment--so I am in.

Laurel said...

i've never seen a bag like that - it's super cute! please enter me for that...

Anonymous said...

Enter me for both, please :) This is a wonderful giveaway!! Please count me in!!

dognutmom said...

Those placements would SO go in my kitchen! Please count me in!

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

enter me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

enter me in, thanks, Diana

Anonymous said...

Wow... that bag is totally cute. :)

Mrs. C said...

Please include me in both. Thank you!

Rachel said...

I really like the bag. Count me in please.

Lucydolls' ramblings said...

WOW, that is fun, Count me in on the handbag.

Dolly said...


Anonymous said...

both please

Ginny said...

Wow both prizes are really cool!

Needleroozer said...

Fun prizes! Count me in, please.

Anonymous said...

What an nice original idea for the bag, I'd love to be entered for that - and thanks for offering your gifts!

Monkey Giggles said...

Ohhhh..put my name in the hat please.

Anonymous said...

Now those are both too cute! I love the pillowcase bag!!! I'm in!

Betsy said...

Too cute!

Unknown said...

You know, this may sound odd, but I think I'd just like the directions to make the pillowcase bag. Would you mind horribly if I asked you to email them to me? Thanks.

mghollis 38 at msn dot com

PastormacsAnn said...

Cute. Please enter me in your drawing.

Tina Mayo said...

both please--feel like i am trick or treating here-- tee hee

groovyoldlady said...

Very Groovy and unusual!

groovyoldlady at adelphia dot net

Karen said...

I like either one! Email address is on my profile and on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I really like the bag, what a cool idea!

Unknown said...

the bag!I'm in! pipsersmom@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love the pillowcase bag! Very cute. :)

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Please enter me in your drawing! :-D I love the pillowcase bag!

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

Great giveaway, count me in. I'd like both but the bag is top choice.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! Please count me in and God bless you! amy_l_critchlow@yahoo.com.au

Carole Burant said...

Fabulous giveaway!! Please add my name to your draw:-) Thank you!! Either prize would be great!! xo

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

That bag is sooooo cute!
What a wonderful idea!!!!

Count me in!



Kristi said...

I like both things!! Great giveaways!!

Scott Franson Photography said...

Great blog, please enter me for both.

jodene said...

Count me in for both.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I would like either.

Shawna said...

I'd love to win these!

Tasha said...

Please enter me for the bag. (The placemats for lovely, but I don't have a four place table.)

Thank you for offering such nice gifts in your giveaway. Have a nice day.


greg&sarina said...

The placemats would be great!
Please enter me in your drawing!
sarina at scualum dot com

Rebecca said...

I like the bag! Thank you!

Kristin said...

I'd love those placemats - adorable!!

Thankfulheart said...

Wow! It's like Christmas in July! Thanks to all of the wonderful bloggers that are participating in this great give-away!!!

Frances said...

I would love the placemats. Thank you!

Shana said...

count me in to, please!!! Thanks!!!

Delete said...

You are very creative! Please enter me for the placemats as they match my kitchen perfectly!

Anonymous said...

pick me please, I love the placemats

Karen said...

So cute, I would love either one! Thanks for a great contest:)

Lura said...

I'd like both. Ha ha!

Unknown said...

This looks great! Please add me to your list. My e-mail address is myspamfoil@gmail.com. Both are nice.

Elizabeth F. said...

Sew crafty. Enter me on both!

Anonymous said...

Either one would be great!!

pei girl said...

I feel so greedy but me to, me to, I love them both.(hugs from the Island)

Linda SS said...

I would love to win either of these great prizes. Thanks:)

Anonymous said...

What neat ideas! Count me in, please! And enjoy that weekend getaway. :)

Feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win free Scripture!


Unknown said...

I love the bag, I love all the gifts.
You're so generous.

Feel welcome to enter my give-away at: http://laaneworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/give-away.html

Tammy said...

Those are both neat give-aways! How cute is the bag?


Kellie said...

Hiya Robin! You're right, this IS fun! I'd be happy with either of your great giveaways...but I'd especially like that pillowcase bag :) Very cute! Thanks!

Tricia said...

Count me in too!!!


A Dusty Frame said...

The pillow case bag is so cute!
please enter me

Rachelle said...

Those placemats are really cute! And the bag is adorable too! I would love to win any of those!

raeshylle at yahoo dot com

Kim said...

Count me in! What a wonderful giveaway!

Great blog…I’m bookmarking it so that I can come back later. ;)

If you haven’t already checked mine out…Come on over.

Anonymous said...

I love it all!

LivingforGod said...

Please enter me in your giveaway (both). Thanks!

Anonymous said...


~ said...

Awesome prize...either would be wonderful...please enter me.



Lisa said...

I like either gift, the bag is probably my favorite.

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Please enter me into your drawing for both. Thank you!
