Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Into Reading 2010

Fall is my favorite season of the year. I love chilly mornings and evenings and warm afternoons. I love making chile and soups and baking. I love using the shortened days to snuggle up in the long evenings with a good book.

A good book. Now there is something I haven't enjoyed this summer. Summer is never a good time for reading for me. I have so much else going on and I fall into bed each night exhausted.

So when I saw that it is "Fall Into Reading" time over at Callapidder Days, I can't deny I felt a twinge of excitement as I wondered if I dared to do it. Should I take the challenge? If I commit, will I be able to follow through? I gave it about 2 days thought and then I decided to jump in. I was the 175th person to sign up. I encourage you to join the many of us who love to read. You can find all the rules and sign up right here. I can't wait! I am going to be realistic and not go overboard with a humongous list. I have chosen the following books to read in the next few weeks and in fact, I have already started!

The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser. This book was recommended to me by my blog friend Dawn of Call Me Grandma Dawn. She is an avid reader and I have always found her recommendations to be excellent. I have actually read the first two chapters and I can tell I am going to be captivated by good writing and a mesmerizing storyline.

Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman. I heard Steven Curtis and Mary Beth on Family Talk with Dr. Dobson and my heart was so touched by their tragic loss. I ordered the book on my Kindle that same day.

So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore. I have had this book for several months but just haven't started it. I really want to read it and I plan to have my highlighters ready because I just know it's going to be full of quotes I will want to remember.

Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers. Francine is my all-time favorite author and I can't believe I haven't read this book yet! It's a "fat one" and I am looking for the perfect time - a long weekend, the first snow or a holiday. I already know I don't want it to end.

The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhahn. I ordered this one of my Kindle a couple of months ago when my friend at work, Heidi, recommended it. It sounds fascinating and I look forward to a good read that will make me think.

So there you go. It's only 5 books and I have until December 20. I'm pretty sure that won't be too much of a problem and in fact I already have a few more books up my sleeve to add to my list if I end up being an over-achiever.

So, what's stopping you from joining the challenge???


Anonymous said...

Do you remember Dad getting mad at mom for "always having her nose in a book" if she was reading a lot? Maybe "mad" isn't the right word....frustrated? I married a man that gets like that and says that to me if I read a lot. :) What do ya do? :)

Robin said...

Lisa- I remember dad saying that to me too - I think that because he wasn't a reader, he saw reading as a form of laziness. I never understood it. Fortunately I married a man who loves to read too - so it works. But I do try not to get so engrossed in a book that I forget he's there! One thing Chuck cannot understand is how I can read a book while we watch tv - I just tell him I'm a multi-tasker!

Unknown said...

I wish I could commit but I know I will fail. I must admit I have about 5 books I want to read and I should set a time line too. It's easier to absorb your notes :)

Dawn said...

I am so glad you're getting into "The Swan House." It is wonderful. And I'm almost finished with the sequel, "The Dwelling Place." Excellent. I wish there was another one coming up.

I will next start "Her Daughter's Dream", the sequel to "Her Mother's Hope." I can hardly wait. It'll be great reading on the plane when we go to Maine this week-end.

I have that Beth Moore book, too (got it in a blog drawing), but haven't started it yet either. I must do that soon!

My dad always had his head in a book or newspaper, so that wasn't a problem, but he thinks fiction is a waste of time and foolish. Oh, he's missing so much enjoyment!

Dawn said...

I just re-read your list and realized I have the Chapman book on hold at the library, too. What a sad story. I'm looking forward to reading their words.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I read Francine Rivers A Daughters Dream, then realized it was a sequel, so now reading A Mothers Hope. WHAT a great book, I am having a hard time putting it down.

lisa Patrick

Heidi Winter Tracht said...

All of your books sound interesting to me - I've read 2 of them. And, I wish you'd call "your friend," rather than "your supervisor." :)

Sarah said...

i like this list!
very interesting.
love the challenge
happy reading!