Monday, June 21, 2010

This Weekend, I . . .

Keys to the Cottage

Took a roadtrip from Boise to Richland to Seattle to Portland and back to Boise in 3 days. It was a work related trip. It was exhausting.

Read The Saddlemaker's Wife by a new-to-me author, Earlene Fowler. Very impressed.

Bought another book by Earlene Fowler on my Kindle and have read the first two chapters. I am going to be as equally impressed.

Took a 3 1/2 hour nap on Sunday afternoon while it thundered and rained outside my window.

Picked a few weeds out of my flowerbed.

Rocked my sweet grandgirl to sleep while singing her the same songs I used to sing to her momma. Her momma says I should win an award because she never lets anybody rock her to sleep.

Started knitting another baby blanket.

Marveled at the sentences my little grandboy is using. He was talking to his momma on the phone and in his sweet voice he said, "Love you too mom." I melted.

Thanked the Lord for giving my four daughters the most awesome and wonderful dad ever.

How about you? Head on over to Becky's and join in the fun.


Mrs. M said...

That sounded like a great weekend, except for all that travel time. I will have to write that book on my list. I have heard of Earlene Fowler but not sure if I have read her yet. I'll have to check. I lose track sometimes.

Have a wonderful week Robin!

Karen said...

I love your list, Robin. The title of the book you read is compelling me to look it up! Long naps, rocking and singing to grandbabies. Ahh, perfect weekend. HOpe your week is grand!

Dawn said...

I am SO glad you've started with Earlene. She is a wonderful Christian who writes not necessarily Christian fiction, but very moral. Did I tell you about her?

The twins are finally talking a bit, but not up to 2.5 year old par. They definitely have their own language!

Have a great week!

Dawn said...

Me again - I'm glad you're enjoying Earlene - I feel like a friend of hers - Her last two books were over 2 years apart and I was getting eager. Seems like her real life took over - issues with her dad.

Hope you're having a good week-end! I'm off to District Assembly in a few minutes. We don't get to stay overnights this year because of financial issues.