It's good to be home! Our trip to Florida was wonderful - we did a lot of fun things and had a true family vacation. We spent a day at Disney World and a day at Epcot (I can never ever get my fill of the Magic Kingdom!), a day at Tarpon Springs (a delightful Greek community that served awesome gyro's), a day at the beach (there is nothing more beautiful than the beach), and a day driving around trying to find places I remembered from when I lived in Florida as a child. We enjoyed visiting my husbands sister and family and getting to know their kids better. It was fun being away from home and phones and responsibilities. And it all went by very, very quickly.
I did learn a couple of things about Florida.
NUMBER ONE - I do NOT have Florida hair!! My hair is thin and requires lots and lots of product and styling to look anything near good! The humidity in Florida was not my friend. I finally had to give up and tell myself that no one in that state was going to see me again so it didn't matter. Arghhh... I hate having 7 bad hair days in a row!!
NUMBER TWO - It just doesn't seem right to live somewhere where alligators and snakes are lurking on the sides of the freeways. I'm just saying.
NUMBER THREE - Doesn't have anything to do with Florida but here is a free piece of advice. When you take an Ipod on the plane to help you deal with your fear of flying, do not, I repeat DO NOT download the first season of Lost to watch. I had no idea it was about a PLANE CRASH! How's that for the epitome of stupid? I ended up resorting to taking medication on the way there. I hate doing that - I want my faith to be strong enough to carry me through. However, on our trip back we had to take separate flights and I had to fly alone with my daughter. I refused to take medication - I had to take care of her. So I suffered through it and I did okay I guess.
Anyway, I am back and am looking forward to catching up with everyone's blogs. I missed blogging and my sweet doggy Josey - otherwise I would have been tempted to stay much, much longer!
I missed your posts!
I also have problems flying, which is odd since my mother, uncles, aunts, and grandfather are pilots and I flew home from the hospital (as a baby) in a Cessna.
But it is what it is. I used to take medication but I find 2 or 3 glasses of wine at the airport bar does the trick! :) Except last time I had the hiccups and the lady in front of me (in first class) kept turning around and looking at me. As if I could control the hiccups!
I'm glad you had such a blessed time. You hair looks nice in the photos - you can't tell you were having "hair issues."
Welcome home!
Welcome back! It sounds like you had a good time. I don't have Florida hair either. It goes crazy in the humidity. Ick.
Glad your back. I missed you.
I'm glad you had a good vacation.
welcome home. I missed you guys at church and Kyra was definately having Jess withdrawals. Thanks for sharing your adventure! One time I flew with a group of friends to Portland and we were visiting with a young lady across the aisle from us and she had just joined the Air Force and was going to be a pilot. We visited all the way there and then on the descent, she started throwing up. Yep, she had gotten airsick and I kept thinking "and she is going to the Air Force?" I hope she did well or changed professions.
Sounds like a super vacation! So funny about Lost! Glad you are back. I missed you!
Oh, yes, those lurking alligators in my back yard are quite the talk of our guests. Just kidding. The only time I have ever seen an alligator here is in the lake or in the alligator farm. Oh, and that time in the parking lot but the poor thing was confused. And the alligator wrestler got him without a problem. And he never touched my groceries.
I am so glad that you are back safely. Flying always involves faith. Always. And it's no fun no matter how your hair looks :)
Sorry to laugh at your difficulty in flying, but the fact that you took "Lost" with you was pretty humorous! Glad you made it back safe and sound, though! :D
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