Silly me. I don't know why I always thought that once my kids were grown and gone that my husband and I would slow down, spend more quiet time together, and just kick back and enjoy life. I must have been nuts. Our days just run into each other and I can hardly tell where one ends and the other begins. This week is our county fair and for the 4th year in a row our church's Women's Ministries is sponsoring The Bamboo Hut. We serve iced fruit drinks and make our annual budget doing it. I am the Women's Ministries Director so that means I spent a majority of the weekend shopping for all our supplies and organizing our workers for the booth. Monday was set-up day. Suffice it to say - it was a day that tested my Christianity! Our Fair Board are not the most organized people in the world and due to confusion, misunderstanding, and just plain unfair decisions after moving into, setting up, and cleaning the booth we had last year we were told that we had to move down the line into a much smaller booth with no shelf space. I was not a happy camper. That meant we had to clean the smaller booth, move everything including a freezer and a refrigerator and all our supplies, and try to figure out how to make it work. I did pretty good not speaking my mind to the director although I was tempted to say a few things I would have regretted later. See, even pastor's wives get pushed to the limit! But I did voice my unhappiness and told her that I felt we had not been treated fairly. She didn't seem too fazed. Anyway, we are up and running now in our much smaller space. So this week I work everyday and then will spend every evening down at the fair selling iced fruit drinks. The money we earn goes to good use. It pays for our speaker at our annual Women's Retreat and it also purchases our Beth Moore Bible studies we use every year. We also use it to help pay the expenses of women who can't afford to go to retreat or purchase their Bible Study workbooks. So all the stress really is worth it. And there's not many things you can say that about.
On Sunday afternoon we had a great baptismal service. In the summer we hold our baptisms at a ranch in the most beautiful mountain setting you can imagine. The people who own the ranch have a swimming pool and it becomes the baptismal fount for the afternoon. It was a great time together. Following the service we had a great potluck meal. I made bar-be-qued pulled pork for a main dish and a peach crisp with maple cream sauce for dessert. It was fabulous. I got the peach crisp recipe from Pioneer Woman Cooks. This lady has some incredible recipes and I have enjoyed every one I have made.
On Sunday evening, my husband and my sister and her husband had the opportunity to attend a Martina McBride concert. Wow! That such a powerful voice can come out of such a tiny body is truly amazing. Her voice is so clear and pure - I enjoyed every minute of it. She is a very wholesome entertainer. She was dressed beautifully, she has clean music and is overall a very classy lady. I could have listened to her all night long. Well not really all night - but you know what I mean!
I have been reading blogs where I see some of you have actually started making Christmas stuff. Can I just tell you how envious I am? My dream would be to stay home every day and spend time either reading or sewing. I don't know if my life will ever get to that place. But if it does - I'm there with you!
Oh yes, don't forget - my magazine subscription drawing is this Friday. Enter now! You can enter right here!
Oh I'm making Christmas stuff too. But it's stuff I started five years ago!!
I'm feeling a bit envious of you getting to see Martina McBride, she's great! It must have been a lot of fun!
Funy you should mention Christmas stuff. I got mine out today and have been busy. I'll post the whole story tomorrow. I'm excited.
I've started thinking of gifts to make too.
Bless your heart. I hope sometime soon you get some well-deserved rest. I love that you are so honest about your Christian walk as a pastor's wife and show yourself as just an ordinary lady, trying her best to follow Jesus. What a sweet testimony to show yourself just as the rest of us God-fearing lady sinners, rather than some unrealistic example none of us could attain to. Ever since I found your blog, you've been like a mother figure to me. Hope that's not too weird. And although I hope for your sake you can slow down a bit, I am happy to hear you stay busier than you assume you will, since I am about to go into full fledge kindergarten empty nest syndrome! :(
You have been busy! I remember wondering what on earth I would do once I didn't have kids to taxi around - silly me!
I'm glad to read that your eye surgery went well - I've thought of doing that myself.
Robin-thank you SO much for your sweet compliment on my blog! I have also added yours to my blog, which makes it much easier for me to read daily! I had you already on my favorites on my work computer (yes--I do read blogs at work--when the work slows down and everyday at lunch!) and my computer at home.
I'm sorry things were so tough with the fair...just not fair huh? (little jokie)
ANY Beth Moore Bible Study series is money well spent. We have done several at our church and the Lord has taught me so much ---still teaching!
My husband, Jeff and I are also in the extremely busy mode....I think we skipped the "quiet years" after our girls departed the homeplace....but as soon as the grandkids started coming forth....things have never been the same!
Hopefully, the rest of your week will be peaceful! I think I blathered on too much...sorry! :)
Be blessed!!!
Wait a minute! You just rocked my world. You mean it doesn't slow down when they get older. Hmmmm....I might need to think about that for a while and make some changes.
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