It's here again - another Thursday to stop, slow down, and think about the things that bless us each day. Often times I try to find the "big" things, somehow thinking that they are more worthy of my gratitude. However, in my heart I know that it is the "little" things that weave in and out of my life everyday that add up and bless me with every breath I breathe. Today I am thankful for the little things. Like:
How Jess has helped me so much this week with our drink booth at the fair. She has been my right hand and I could not have succeeded without her. She is dependable, responsible, and capable. Rare qualities for a 17 year old girl I think.
Jess and I went school clothes shopping and we had a great time. I had a little extra money and it was so fun to indulge her a little bit. She picked out the things she liked and tried it all on. Then she suggested that we make a pile of what she really loved and what she could do without. How fun it was to tell her that I would buy it all for her! She was so grateful. Just today it occurred to me that this is the very last year that I will ever take my child school clothes shopping. This is her senior year and there are no more after her. It made me cry. Now I am extra thankful that we had such a good time and made a happy memory together. And I am drying my eyes as I realize that this whole year will be a year of "the last time I..." Where do the years go? I know everyone says that but wow - when it hits you - it hits really hard. I better start buying a few extra boxes of kleenex I'm thinking!
I'm thankful too for the wonderful people in my church. They are parishoners, they are friends, and they are sisters and brothers in Christ. What a beautiful, extended family I have!
I'm thankful for my little blog world. I have made such sweet friends. You inspire me, encourage me, and make me want to be a better person.
If you would like to be a part of Thankful Thursdays, we would love to have you join us. Just go here.
What a special thankful list and that's great about the extra school things you were able to buy.
I too am incredibly thankful for the other families in our home church... what a blessing!
Thanks for sharing!
Wow - senior year! You will now get newer things to shop for - like college stuff next year! It does go by fast, so they say...
Have a great Thursday!
Big blessings to you dear one.
glad you had a great time back-to-school shopping!
Thanks so much for your comment on my post earlier this week!
What a great list. I have been reading a few moms who have gone back to school shopping. How fun. I went with my youngest son as we always do. He needed clothes and we had fun together also.
Time does fly. Cherish this fun last year. Next summer perhaps you'll be buying for college.
And thanks for your sewing machine recommendation. It was actually already on my list to look at. Such a nice machine.
I loved that list. Brought back some sweet memories of my baby girl's graduating year! Keep a journal. Yes, buy stock in kleenex! Such excitement of this year....such expense. Whatever you think it will cost....double it!
Maybe not that bad....but it was something else! But it was the most exciting year for her....and I would do it again!
Be blessed....I will keep a close check on your kleenex situation....let me know if you run out at all the stores near you...I can ship!
Your Thursday lists are always a must read for me...a good reminder of the blessings in the little things! It is so cool that you are raising money for the ladies ministry with the fair..and I think it's really cool that you will help out even though you are the pastor's wife! (It sounds like you are doing more than just help out, btw.) Some pastor's wives are beyond serving. Anyway, you are so cool Robin. Really special that you got to buy Jess all the clothes. I would cry too.
Also, yippee for the eye surgery! Sounds like such a great doctor, too!
Have a great weekend. (Pick my name, Josey!!!)
You've been tagged to do the Middle Name Meme.
You can read mine here if you'd like.
Lovely post - it's amazing how quickly the time goes by with our children. I remember senior year for both my sons as very bittersweet.
It would do us all good to sit down and write a list of what we are thankful for.
Great list Robin!
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