When I entered into this family, both Craig and I were 19 years old. We really hit it off well and he embraced me into the already large family group. He and my husband are special buddies and I was very happy that he didn't see me as a threat. The only problem he had with me was that I now shared a bed with his best buddy-brother. He thought I should sleep on the couch so that he and his brother could continue to share a bedroom as always! He wasn't especially excited about being moved to the couch when he came to visit. But he worked through it.
Craig loves Jesus passionately. There isn't much that blesses me more than watching Craig worship. He has a serious speech impediment and is difficult to communicate with by words. But he sings and he prays and he lifts his hands in tribute to his Creator. Every Sunday. He wouldn't think of missing church. It's just not done. And if there is an altar call, you can be sure Craig will be at the altar. Because after all, that is a special place to talk with Jesus.
There is just something so honest about Craig. He has an uncanny sense of right and wrong. He does not tolerate injustice to himself or others. Because he can't speak a lot, he listens a lot and I am confident that he is wiser than any of us. When my father-in-law was killed in a logging accident several years ago, we all worried about Craig because he just didn't seem to show any emotion. No tears, no questions, just a calm acceptance of something that seemed impossible to comprehend. We kept asking him "Craig, you understand that dad died and that he isn't coming home again don't you?" He would say "yes" and that was all. Nothing more. We discussed as a family how we could help him deal with this horrible occurrence and nobody really knew what to do. The day of the funeral came. We were all so sad to say earthly goodbye's to this man we loved so much. There was a time during the service that people were invited to stand and share a memory or a comforting thought. Many people stood and shared and it was very meaningful. Suddenly, in the front row, Craig stood up. Craig can't talk well and some were uncomfortable because they knew he wouldn't be understood. But very clearly, very plainly, everyone sat in amazement as they heard Craig say, "It's okay. Jesus told me that dad went over the rainbow." And then he sat down. This gave a whole new meaning to speaking in tongues! I know that God gave us that moment to reassure us, not just about Craig's comprehension of this great loss, but about the fact that this much loved man was safe in His keeping and we would see him again someday! Somehow, we all found the burden a little easier to bear. Many years later, people still talk about that special moment.
At the university where I work, a professor and his wife just had their first child, a little boy. A little boy with Down's. Naturally they are devastated because this isn't what they dreamed of. In my heart I want to tell them that this isn't the worst thing in the world that could have happened to them. But they will learn that on their own. They will discover that this boy will do more for them than all the other children they ever have could possibly do. They will discover that God has given them a very rich blessing indeed.

I noticed that face behind the three of you and wondered! Now I know!
What an amazing messenger of God he was at the funeral for your father-in-law. The fact that he was able to discern what God told him (with a lot more clarity and assurance than the rest of us) and share it so clearly (what a miracle!) seems like the greatest comfort during the time of such a loss.
When we were expecting we chose not to have any testing done to determine whether our little one might have Down's Syndrome or any other special need. We both felt mentally and emotionally prepared for all the various options, including that one. While some of the other issues we discussed filled me with fear, Down's Syndrome did not. I've always noticed that children and adults with Down's Syndrome seem so joyful and extra special.
What a gift he is to your family!
I never noticed. But what a treasure! This post really touched me. I had a cousin who was 10 years younger than me. She was Down's and she just died about 3 weeks ago. She was not as able as Craig. She never spoke a word, and she was blind. But she could walk, and hold a toy in her hands, and she brought much joy. She was never expected to live beyond her 10th birthday.
My favorite memory is when I was a child, and I was the only one she would allow to brush her hair. And she loved me to do it. But no one else. She loved to give kisses and hugs.
Her loss has been hard on her family, especially her mom who has cared for her so lovingly for 40 years every. single. hour. of every. single. day. What a testimony of love.
THank you for sharing about Craig. God bless him and his special place in the family. How wonderful that you took him with you and he had so much fun.
I didn't notice the face in the picture before, but I'm so glad you shared about Craig!
thank you for sharing this beautiful post,what a blessing Craig is, we all could take a lesson from him,I knew a real great lady and she taught downs syndrome children in New Orleans,she told us that when she looked into their eyes she saw Jesus.have an awesome blessed day Robin(hugs from the Island)
What a beautiful post Robin--and a beautiful tribute to your brother-in-law.
Yes, I saw those two eyes peeking up at the camera. ;)
Craig is a gift to all who meet him.
Thanks for sharing the story about the rainbow. God speaks and Craig listens. It was simply beautiful...a God moment.
Heavenly Voice
thanks for visiting my blog the other day! I just loved this story about Craig and the way that you told it. I looked at the picture you were talking about too, and he is so funny sneaking in that picture! He wanted to be included too! LOL
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